Court Officers
ICJ Senior Sovereign Judges & Officers
For Validation of ICJ Senior Sovereign Judges, Paralegal Judges, Banking & Redemption Officers, Registrar, Notary Public, Banking Liaison Officers, and all International Diplomatic Relations Liaison Officers: go to the Contact Page or Email:
Please state the following within the email: which Court Officer you are enquiring about, which case or transaction you are referring to, what the general enquiry is about and in what context; and give us your name and contact information so we are aware who is making such enquiries about ICJ-ICC Judges & Officers.
Please use Corporate, Agency or Personal Letterhead when making such enquiries. Remember, you are making contact with a Sovereign Court.
Registrar and Notary Public
- H.E. Paul-Anthony: Simons (Proto-Notary c/o First Republic Registrar foundation)
Special Liaison to the Sovereign Court
- H.E. Lord Duke Admiral Lawrence Olivier Campbell
International Project Liaison Officer
- Andrew Brackin